Starship Troopers: Invasion is the fourth entry in the film series,
and the first to be done in full CGI. There’s all the blood and boobs here
you’d expect from a Starship Troopers movie; however, the gore and
poorly-animated female butts will only appeal to sad pubescent boys. Those of
you who are all grown up are advised to rent something else.
The first Starship Troopers (1997) is a guilty pleasure of mine.
The hyper-violent original is a fun movie, if you can get past the poor
direction and terrible acting. Sadly, the two direct-to-video sequels that
follow lack the appeal of the original and, in my opinion, are virtually
unwatchable. Invasion is definitely an improvement over the last two
films, but it still doesn’t have the same cool factor as the first outing -- in
part due to the fact that this is an animated movie.
My first impression of the animation was that it looked terrible. Invasion
feels more like a video game than a movie; all the characters look stiff and
rigid, as if they came straight from a video game cinematic. Eventually I got
used to the CGI, but nothing ever looks particularly good. The animation is in
desperate need of some creativity, and it lacks any defining value worth